Featured Government Police & Fire

Protesters at City Hall Plaza Speakout for Police Reforms; Small Group on Hanover St.

Protesters at City Hall Plaza had a defined message on Sunday afternoon calling for specific police reforms, now two weeks after the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

The 1,000+ person demonstration was peaceful with heavy presence by Boston Police and the National Guard.

Speakers on the plaza called for (1) reopening death cases by police, (2) defunding police in favor of social services and (3) removing police from schools and communities.

Mayor Marty Walsh and Boston City Council have made statements this week to reallocate the police budget, which currently amounts to 15% of city spending.

In one of the larger protests this week, the sizable demonstration eventually left City Hall Plaza and marched through downtown and the South End to Ruggles Station in Roxbury and Boston Police Headquarters.

Later in the day, smaller groups of protesters were seen marching throughout the city from the State House on the Freedom Trail into the North End on Hanover Street and Surface Road.

One Reply to “Protesters at City Hall Plaza Speakout for Police Reforms; Small Group on Hanover St.

  1. Defund Congress and the state legislatures. Impose campaign funding limits. All excess and unspent campaigns go to the tax base. Term limits.

    Defunding should begin with the defenders.

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