Photos & Videos

Neighborhood Photo: Brunch with a Side of Opera

North End Music and Performing Arts Center (NEMPAC) and Tresca continue their efforts to present “Opera from the Balcony” to the North End. This past weekend the opera, performed by Soprano Hailey Fuqua and Tenor Fred C. VanNess Jr., had a new type of audience—outdoor diners.

Cafe Zones” that allow restaurants to set up outdoor seating along city streets as an effort to help these businesses recover from COVID-19 popped up all over the North End on Thursday and have continued to be popular with customers.

Maryann shares these photos of Saturday brunch on Hanover Street with live opera from the mezzanine commenting, “How good can it get?!”

“Neighborhood Photo” is a regular feature on Send in your photos via email to or tag @northend.waterfront on Instagram. Please include a caption or story telling us about your photo.

See past neighborhood photo posts.