The City of Boston invites you to an
Online Meeting, Hosted on Zoom,
for the
Northern Avenue Bridge Project
A Boston Bold Design
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
The City of Boston is hosting a public meeting on May 6 to share the bold design selected, including how it will meet the project goals to Improve Mobility, Honor History, Strengthen Resiliency, and Create a Destination. The meeting will allow time for Questions + Answers. We encourage you to attend this meeting and provide feedback.
For the safety of the project team and meeting attendees, this meeting will be hosted online, using Zoom. The meeting will be recorded and posted online for those who cannot attend. The presentation will be posted on the website (www.boston.gov/northern-ave) in advance of the meeting to give people who can only attend by phone an opportunity to review the presentation.
Download the meeting flyer.
The City will continue to accept comments at the project email address: Team@NorthernAveBridgeBos.com. We hope you can join us on May 6!
Northern Avenue Bridge Project Team
To learn more about the Northern Avenue Bridge project, you can visit the project website: www.boston.gov/northern-ave. Questions or comments? Email us at Team@NorthernAveBridgeBos.com.