People Photos & Videos

Neighborhood Video: Taps on the Prado

Adam Castiglioni shares this video North End resident Victor Brogna playing Taps on the Prado for Memorial Day.

“Taps Across America” is a National Moment of Remembrance that takes place on Memorial Day at 3 p.m. local time. Individuals are asked to pause for a duration of one minute to remember those who have died in military service to the United States.

In 2020, we remember those who died in service to our country as well as those who have died of the Coronavirus, and honor those who are on the front lines battling the disease.

What’s the history of Taps?

This distinctive bugle melody dates back to the Civil War. According to the History Channel, in July 1862, U.S. General Daniel Butterfield and his brigade were camped at Harrison’s Landing, Virginia, recuperating after the Seven Days Battles near Richmond. Dissatisfied with the standard bugle call employed by the Army to indicate to troops it was time to go to sleep, and thinking the call should sound more melodious, Butterfield reworked an existing bugle call used to signal the end of the day.

After he had his brigade bugler, Private Oliver Wilcox Norton, play it for the men, buglers from other units became interested in the 24-note tune and it quickly spread throughout the Army, and even caught on with the Confederates. Read more about Taps.

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