Daily Briefs

Monday’s Brief: State Still in Surge, Boston-based DraftKings goes Public, City Council Hearing on Resources for Veterans

Today is Monday, April 27 and last Friday Boston-based sports betting company DraftKings debuted on Wall Street despite the sports world being on pause due to the ongoing pandemic, read more on MassLive.com.

Here’s what you need to know for the week ahead…

2:30PM City Council Hearing on Resources for Veterans. Members of the public are cordially invited to view and testify via Zoom Meeting. Please email juan.lopez@boston.gov for the Zoom link. Written testimony may be sent to the Committee or staff emails and will be made part of the record and available to all Councilors, see additional details here.

Notable News:

Gov. Charlie Baker Says Mass. Is Still In Surge; Boston To Test Homeless Population

While the state of Massachusetts continues take steps to slow the spread of COVID-19, Gov. Charlie Baker said on Friday that it still hasn’t reached the other side of the surge, read more on WBUR.org.

Spring on Hanover Street:


Plan your events with the Community Calendar:

Tuesday, April 28

10:30AM First Steps – Early Childhood Dance Class – DROP IN. It’s never too early to start dancing! Little ones are introduced to the world of dance, using creative movement, games, props and songs. This is a great way for grown-up and child to bond through music and movement. Child must be accompanied by an adult at all times in this class. The first three classes will be ONLINE (April 7, April 14, April 28). DROP-IN for Online Classes for $25. Email info@nempacboston.org 

2:00PM Council Hearing on Transportation Benefits. Members of the public are cordially invited to view and testify via Zoom Meeting. Public Testimony -Written testimony may be sent to the Committee or staff emails and will be made part of the record and available to all Councilors, see additional details here.

Thursday, April 30

5:00PM Wharf District Council Meeting. The City of Boston will virtually present the new Northern Avenue Bridge design titled: “Boston Bold: A People First Experience”. To join, follow the link here and use the meeting id: 949 8546 2386 and password: 927934 .

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