
Grocery / Errand Offer for Elderly in North End During COVID-19

I am a North End resident and I am looking to see how I can give back to the elderly community during this time of crisis. I’m a healthy 27 year old female and know that there may be several elderly folks in our neighborhood that may not feel safe going grocery shopping or running essential errands at this time during the COVID-19 crisis. I would love to provide those basic services to those in need or any other way I can help. Contact Alexandra at

We will be starting a “Want to Help” list in the coming days. Please send any similar offers to if you’re an individual, organization or business that wants to help out your neighbors in the North End / Waterfront and surrounding downtown Boston area.

7 Replies to “Grocery / Errand Offer for Elderly in North End During COVID-19

  1. Not to advertise for anyone, but I think Peapod is still available. Never considered it, now that Whole Foods is owned by Amazon, they might deliver.

    1. I placed an order with Roche Bros foe delivery. They warned online customers that due to shortages caused by the Corona virus they might not be able to fill orders. I have heard that Peapod is having the same issue.

      1. Last week’s panic cleaned out most stores. Assuming that people aren’t eating all that in one weekend, stores will restock next week. Sort of amazed that people went for the toilet paper. Maybe they do plan to eat it in one. weekend.

        1. These are probably the same people who stock up & wipe out the bread & milk from the shelves at supermarkets when a two inch “snowstorm” is forecast .

          1. Good news is that roads are clear and employees were out restocking this morning. Bad news is that people continue to hord. Saw a guy in front of me with a lifetime supply of handi-wipes. Good news, I own a lot of Clorox stock.

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