Offering a warm measure of holiday cheer to counteract the chilly Saturday weather, the North End Library hosted its annual Open House sponsored by the Friends Of The North End Library (FONEL) on December 7th.
The agenda featured a musical performance by the NEMPAC Children’s Chorus under the direction of Alexandra Dietrich with Valerie Osborn on piano and Nicholas Brown on clarinet. Following the second show, a sing-along took place with everyone in the audience encouraged to participate.
An Italian luncheon was provided by DePasquale Ventures with treats also from Parziale’s Bakery and the Golden Goose Market. A 50/50 raffle was held with proceeds going to support the needs of the library.
The Open House is one of several community-based initiatives hosted by the North End Library and FONEL, which have focused on providing a destination for more than just reading and computer usage with film festivals, workshops, guest lectures, and other programs designed to offer educational, entertaining and social opportunities.
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NEMPAC Clarinetist, Kristian Baverstam and NEMPAC Violinist, Sarah Ryu, both from New England Conservatory, brought a fun, educational music workshop to the North End Library last Monday, June 3rd! Our participants ranged from our youngest of 2 years to adults! Both Kristian and Sarah offer private music lessons at NEMPAC in the North End and Read More…
Things to know for Wednesday Today is Wednesday, March 7 and as you’re gearing up for the next storm, be sure to check out this new report that claims the rising tides could bring even more flooding. Read more on WLRN. Here’s what else you need to know for Wednesday… 6:30PM NEMPAC Annual Meeting (Public Read More…
In a timely mailing received on Election Day comes the officer election results for the Friends of the North End Branch Library. The November newsletter announced that the volunteer positions were uncontested with one slate being moved unanimously. The officers for 2010-2011 are: President: Robin Ardito Vice-President: Paula Luccio Secretary: Peter Greene Treasurer: Donna Wells Read More…
2 Replies to “Open House Brings Holiday Cheer to the North End Library [Photos]”
Thanks to a great neighbor Frank Depasquale for an awesome buffet. The eggplant parm meatballs sausages cheese ravioli salad pizza and paninis were beyond belief good
Matt: Than you and Steve for the great coverage of the Friends’ annual Holiday party. Please note that DePasquale Ventures, from his various restaurants, provided an amazing feast of delicious hot foods and sandwiches, which has made the Friends’ annual holiday party possible.
Thank you Frank for continued generosity to your community.
Thanks to a great neighbor Frank Depasquale for an awesome buffet. The eggplant parm meatballs sausages cheese ravioli salad pizza and paninis were beyond belief good
Matt: Than you and Steve for the great coverage of the Friends’ annual Holiday party. Please note that DePasquale Ventures, from his various restaurants, provided an amazing feast of delicious hot foods and sandwiches, which has made the Friends’ annual holiday party possible.
Thank you Frank for continued generosity to your community.