Event Notices Kids & Families

Saint Agrippina Kids Christmas Program on December 8th; Register Before December 2nd

The Saint Agrippina Society will host its annual Christmas Program for North End kids (only) on December 8th, from 12pm-2pm. Phil Carangelo has been running this for 25 years now, getting over 80 neighborhood kids as a way for the St. Agrippina Society to give back to the neighborhood. All those who wish to attend should call 617-363-2678 before December 2nd. See more information in the flyer below.

One Reply to “Saint Agrippina Kids Christmas Program on December 8th; Register Before December 2nd

  1. This was always one of mine and my daughter’s favorite thing to do for Christmas. St. Agrippina always goes above and beyond for the children of the North End.
    Thank you and Merry Christmas to you and yours St. Agrippina Society.

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