Signs were put up Monday at the corner of Salem and Cross Streets to officially announce the future arrival of Chase Bank.
J.P. Morgan Chase announced a large-scale expansion in the Boston area back in October 2018 with over 60 new bank branches and 130 ATMs, including a proposed location in Boston’s North End.
In February 2019, Chase presented its proposal to the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) and North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA). NEWNC voted unanimously to support the proposal. NEWNC council members agreed that, although many community members wanted a local business, Chase could offer stability at this location that has seen much recent turnover. Bank representatives said they would commit to a 10-year lease and also emphasized they would give back to the community.
NEWRA did not vote on the conditional use changes which had yet to be filed with city officials. At the time, the bank still needed a change of use from a restaurant to a bank location, along with a possible ATM, both of which required zoning board of appeal approval.
The location is previously the site of Peet’s Coffee and, before that, Goody Glover’s. Read more NorthEndWaterfront.com coverage about Chase Bank here.
Photo submitted by Adam Castiglioni.
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Free coffee and you can use their John. No problem.
Maybe they could have put the “Coming Soon” sign on the port-a-potty which is abandoned in that area.