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Crime Report: Needles, Drug Use, Larcenies, Homelessness

Boston Police District A-1 provided North End / Waterfront residents an update on recent neighborhood crime incidents, summarized below, at the October 2019 North End Public Safety Meeting.

Discarded Needles Incident Report:
With a child being pricked by a needle last month in the Paul Revere Mall and additional needles being discovered on a more frequent basis in public spaces, the foremost item on the agenda centered around growing concerns posed by discarded needles. The Boston Police Department (BPD) is currently coordinating with Street Outreach to neutralize the threat. Additional officers have been deployed for patrol duties along with the Sharps Mobile Team.

BPD Captain Fong introduced Officer Peter Messina and Officer Claire Duffy from BPD Street Outreach, and Lyan Albino from Boston Emergency Services Team (BEST), an on-site clinician tasked with responding to individuals experiencing mental health crises. Increased vigilance has been ramped up and residents are advised to continue using both 311 and 911 to report issues. BPD is reaching out to the Mayor’s Office of Recovery Services, the Eliot School, and the North End Waterfront Health Center to organize a workshop on safety and awareness.

Homelessness/Urination Issues:
Reports of loitering and frequent urination on the exterior platform of the North End Music & Performing Arts Center (NEMPAC), located on the Prado, has resulted in a strong odor requiring a powerwash and disinfectant treatment. BPD and the City of Boston recommended the installation of no trespassing signs placed in an appropriate location, which BPD could then enforce accordingly.

A resident of Unity St. reported alleged illicit activity between 3:30 – 4 a.m. and had contacted 311 approximately three times in a span of two weeks. BPD advised contacting 911 for any emergency concerns requiring a rapid response.

Residents gave extensive feedback regarding the rise of drug use and homelessness, both of which are causing serious quality-of-life concerns. Norma Reppucci, NEW Health SUDS Director, stated that the instability inherent in displacement makes it difficult for individuals battling addiction who require outreach treatment. Jim Greene reported that the Pine Street Inn has two overnight outreach vans active in the North End seeking to provide services.

Attempted Breaking & Entering – Residential
9/23/19: 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Police officers responded to a Cooper Street residence for a report of an attempted breaking and entering. Victim stated she returned to her apartment and found pry marks on her door. Video available of possible suspect.

Attempted Breaking & Entering – Commercial
9/22/2019: 80 Atlantic Avenue: Sail Loft Restaurant
Attempted break-in occurred, video surveillance captured footage of suspect. Under investigation.

Larceny/Theft: Residential (3)
9/10 – 9/11/19: 10:21 a.m. – 07:24 p.m.: Victim reports an Amazon package delivery was stolen from the front of his Wiget St. residence. Package contained a pair of sneakers.

9/19/2019: 52 Cooper St.: Items stolen including a large amount of food. Potentially involving a resident dispute.

9/24/2019: 1 Michaelangelo St.: Victim reported USPS package stolen. Had received confirmation of delivery beforehand. The package reported to have contained pillows.

Larceny/Theft – Commercial (4)
9/6/2019: 8:49 a.m, CVS Pharmacy: Police officers responded to a shoplifting report at a Hanover Street pharmacy. Manager reports the known male suspect stole 15 canisters of deodorant from a shelf. Suspect fled on foot onto Hanover Street.

9/12/2019: 10:34 p.m.: Hanover St. pharmacy reports a known male suspect stole cosmetics from the store.

9/19/2019: 143 Richmond St. (Vinoteca di Monica): Suspect walked out on a $47 bar tab, later returned to the restaurant and stole a bookbag.

9/20/2019: 2:50 p.m. Shoplifting at CVS, 218 Hanover St.

9/15 – 9/16/2019: 8 a.m. – 9 a.m.: Victim reports an unknown person scratched all four doors of a 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee that was parked on Sheafe Street.

Motor-Vehicle Theft
9/6/2019: 11 Sheafe St.: Theft of a motor-scooter reported at 11 Sheafe St, the vehicle has yet to be retrieved.

9/19/2019: Victim at 30 North Bennet St was robbed of his cell phone at North Station. He attempted to get his cellphone back, which led to suspect lifting up his shirt to reveal possible firearm. Currently under investigation.

The Public Safety meeting with Boston Police District A-1 takes place on the first Thursday of the month, 6 p.m. at the Nazzaro Center, 30 N. Bennet Street. All are welcome to attend and bring their questions. See the Community Calendar for upcoming meeting dates.