Today is Tuesday, September 10 and have you ever wondered where the North End valet-parked cars go? Let’s have some fun courtesy of local comedy writer Ben Alper, author of Thank You for Not Talking: A Laughable Look at Introverts.
We all see restaurant parking valets driving off with diner’s cars. In this densely packed neighborhood, where could they possibly be parking them? Here are some comedic theories.
1. Valets roam the city, making Amazon deliveries.
2. Cars are rented out as short-term Airbnb mini apartments.
3. They’re driven to the world’s largest parking lot: The Southeast Expressway.
4. They’re added to festival parades as short-term floats.
5. They are holy objects, going from church to church in a perpetual ceremony known as the Blessing of the Customer Cars.
Ok, here’s what is on the calendar today…
10:30AM Toddler Story Time at the North End Library. Stop by 25 Parmenter Street and listen to stories, sing songs, and learn together through movement and play. This story time is ideal for little ones who have started walking or moving on their own.
11:00AM Baby Story Time. Stop by the North End Library and enjoy gentle stories, songs, and lap bounces for pre-walking babies and caregivers.
3:30PM Kids’ Art Afternoon. Drop by the North End Library after school to explore painting using different materials as your paintbrushes. Ideal for kids 6-12 years old.
5:30PM Barre by The Bar Method. Stop by the North End Park for a free Barre fitness class, see the full class schedule for fitness on the Greenway here.
6:30PM FOCCP Monthly Meeting at Mariner’s House. Stop by 11 N Square for the Friends of Christopher Columbus Park meeting, see additional details here.
Notable News:
After 60 years without a raise, Boston cops went on strike
100 years ago the Boston patrolmen’s union voted on whether or not to go on strike. Their request for raises and better working conditions was rejected by the police commissioner and they had not seen a raise in 60 years, read more on Universal Hub.
Honor Your Ancestors:
Plan your events with the Community Calendar:
Wednesday, September 11
12:00PM 9/11 Mass. Military Heroes Fund Service Project at Rings Fountain on the Greenway. The Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund invites you to take part in a care package service project to support active duty service members and veterans, as well as a pledge drive to support local Gold Star & Survivor (bereaved) military families. This event, to be held at the Mother’s Walk on the Rose Kennedy Greenway in Boston, will offer you the opportunity to give back to our community in a positive way on September 11th, now a National Day of Service and Remembrance.
3:00PM Kids’ LEGO Club. Stop by the North End Library after school to build whatever you can imagine using LEGOs and DUPLOs.
6:00PM Free Reiki Clinic at Mariner’s House. Stop by 11 North Square for a free Reiki Clinic at the Mariners’ House, on the 2nd floor from 6-8 p.m.
6:00PM Summer Shred by Next Level Fitness & Wellness. Stop by Cross and Sudbury street for a free fitness class, see additional information and full class schedule here.
6:30PM Friends of NE Library Meeting. Stop by 25 Parmenter Street for the Friends of the North End Library meeting.
Thursday, September 12
6:00PM Puppies and Politics with Councilor Edwards. Stop by RUFF – the North End Dog Park and join Boston City Councilor Lydia Edwards for a meet and greet specifically for canines and hoomans alike, see additional information here.
7:00PM NEWRA Monthly Meeting at the Nazzaro Center. Stop by 30 N Bennet Street for the North End Waterfront Residents Association monthly meeting, see additional information here.
7:00PM Ship-to-Shore: Exploring the Marine Monument in Our Backyard at 1 Central Wharf. Hear from scientists aboard the NOAA R/V Okeanos Explorer in this special ship-to-shore event. Watch deep-sea submersible footage and participate in a live question-and-answer session with NOAA scientists about the ship and what they’re seeing below the surface, see additional information here.
From the Community:
North End Walking Tour, Lunch and Presentation on September 21st
Please join us for a walking tour of the North End on Saturday, September 21st, followed by lunch and a presentation at Trattoria Il Panino, continue reading.
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