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Star Market Supermarket at North Station Opens on September 20th

Postcard of Star Market supermarket opening. Image by Paul Kafasis

After more than a decade of advocating for a West End / North End supermarket, residents are finally getting their wish. Postcards went out this week to officially schedule the opening of a Star Market on September 20th at North Station’s Hub on Causeway development project.

Star Market signed a preliminary agreement in December 2013 for a long-term lease at the new TD Garden / North Station development by Boston Properties and Delaware North. It will be the largest supermarket (63,000 s.f.) in downtown Boston. The Boston Garden Project includes three towers (hotel, residential & office) emerging from a podium base including retail and entertainment uses. The supermarket will be below ground level, accessible through escalators.

Since Stop & Shop closed on Cambridge Street in 2003, the resident-based North End / West End / Beacon Hill Supermarket Committee has been working with city officials and developers toward an affordable supermarket as an alternative to Whole Foods.

Hub on Causeway entrance rendering at North Station

In addition to the supermarket, other parts of Hub on Causeway’s project are gradually opening including the new TD Garden/North Station Entrance and parking garage. Other commercial tenants moving into the space include a 15 screen ArcLight movie theatre.

H/T to North End resident, Paul K., for the postcard mailing notice.

12 Replies to “Star Market Supermarket at North Station Opens on September 20th

  1. Never thought I’d live to see a supermarket in the neighborhood. We could have had a Trader Joe’s almost 20 years ago, in the place where the Public Market is. But the state said no. Years the place was empty. Finally, thanks to the geniuses at City Hall and State House, we subsidize what was touted as a Farmers’ Market, to feature Mass products. Then, products from New England. Today, still highly subsidized, the Market has a couple of farms , the rest are food stands and stuff, including citrus and other produce from California. Tells you something when politicians decide (with developers) what neighborhoods need. So, at last, welcome Star Market!!

    1. “thanks to the geniuses at City Hall and State House”

      Yet we keep electing the same people, over and over, until they either run for higher office or step down.

  2. Affordable? Star Market isnotlike Stop and Shop..Would have preferred Roach Brothers or Stop and Shop,even Trader Joe’s.
    Considering the size there are many heathy things they don’t have in Somerville..Hopefully, this one will have more and better departments..Even the flower shop could be improved.
    A delivery service would be great.. I often have to drive bc I buy a fair amount. I am sure there will be elevators besides escalators which can be from the Memorial Drive Whole Foods system for putting groceries on the ground level and intovwhicles…
    I heard there will be a very nice steakhouse. We also could use a nice neighborhood restaurant but,not loud and drinking bar.. something classy and sophisticated.
    I am very creative and have intuitive ideas…
    My congratulations to Louise Thomas and her committee for their perseverance.
    I am not that impressed w the Public Market..Could be improved a lot..
    City officials need to listen to the communities .
    Everyone is VERY upset over all the construction developments around here. We are not New York City..
    Taxis drivers,Lyft’s and Uber’s drivers and residents are disgusted w the congestion.
    The Seaport area is a totally chaotic w no rhyme or reason. It could have been SPECTACULAR but,instead it is a disaster!

  3. I agree with the previous post. Star Market has two levels of pricing depending on the neighborhood. Some stores, such as the one in Dorchester Lower Mills has lower prices as compared to Cambridge or South Boston next to the old Globe building. They also do not haver weekend specials. West Roxbury on Route 1 also has lower prices without weekend specials.
    I am sure the North Station Star will have the higher prices similar to hose at the Prudential Star.

  4. I went over to #HubOnCauseway last evening, just to “run reconnaissance” Does anyone know where the Stah Mahket will be? Those are dauntingly lo-ong neon-lit handrail escalators. Up there?

    Oh, & Robert Skole, don’t get me started on the “Public Market…” I was involved in so-o many meetings at the inception. The concept got taken over by highly connected PR/Programming folks who “knew” what “the Community” needed in that space.

    All I can say is at least I was successful in getting a good number of public toilets on the Freedom Trail before the tourists get into the North End.

    Fighting for a locally-sourced food market that wasn’t just another tourist-haven food court was a battle lost early on.

  5. I was told it is going to be under the street level and that access will be via the main entrance at the end of Canal St. The flyer I received in the mail did mention delivery service and a liquor section. To all the complainers: It’s another full-size, full-service choice and it’s within walking distance. Your preferred supermarket is always available to you via the T or your car if you own one. I’m still stoked! 🙂

  6. You have to pay 30$ to park to go grocery shopping unless you’re planning on walking home. This is going to deter most high volume shoppers I think.

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