The July edition of Celebrate What Unites Us, a program that celebrates the immigrant experience, builds community and promotes cross-cultural understanding, will focus on Ireland.
The event will take place on Thursday, July 25 beginning at 10:30 a.m. at the Armenian Heritage Park on the Greenway. Consulate General of Ireland Laoise Moore will give the welcome. Executive Director Ronnie Millar and Irish Outreach Coordinator Ann Marie Bryne, both from the Irish International Immigrant Center, will then share their perspectives on the immigrant experience.
There’ll be a labyrinth walk and then all participants will walk to THE KITCHEN at the Boston Public Market. Beginning at 11:30 a.m., Chef Andrea Feeney will lead in preparing signature dishes of Irish heritage.
Advanced reservations are required. Sign up here:
Presented by The Trustees, Age Friendly Boston, Mayor’s Office for Immigrant Advancement, and Friends of Heritage Park on The Greenway