Once again the Friends of the North End Library are at work. The ongoing book sale is an important source of revenue for the group. The bookcases near the library entrance used for the book sale did not make optimal use of the space so Rita Pagliuca from the Friends asked Mark Nescio, North Ender and owner of Tailgate Carpentry to design and build an attractive efficient set of bookcases. Mark specializes in interior finish carpentry (Please visit his website tailgatecarpentry.com for a full portfolio of his work.)
Mark looked at the library space and came up with the idea of replacing the two worn bookcases with bookcases in an L-shaped configuration. Not only has the look of that area improved, but also the new bookcases make choosing favorite titles easier. Jennifer Hawes, North End Branch Librarian, is pleased with the addition of the bookcases. “I am grateful for the initiative that the Friends took in getting new bookcases installed. Not only are they handsome, sturdy, and well-constructed, but also, they were made by a neighborhood resident, which makes them all the more special,” she said.
Please stop by the library to see the new bookcases and the cubbies at the back of the library to purchase your favorite books from the ongoing sale. The prices are still a bargain. Paperbacks are $1.00 each and five paperbacks are $4.00. Hardcover books are $2.00 each and three hardcover books are $5.00.
Your support of our book sales makes possible our programs and furniture purchases.
For more information concerning the Friends of the NE Library, please email: info@FriendsNELibrary.org or go to our website: www.FriendsNELibrary.org for membership information and a listing of other programs