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Neighborhood Photo: Snowy Monday Morning

Photo credit: Devin DiCristofaro.

This morning, the North End / Waterfront neighborhood awoke to a snowy scene with 9.8″ of snow measured at Logan Airport and up to 15.5″ in South Boston. The day started out very gray, with flakes still falling during the morning commute.

Endicott Street on Monday morning. Photo credit: Amanda Stoll.

Fortunately, blue skies began peeking through in the afternoon. Most Boston area school children had a snow day, which meant extra time to play outside. Janine Martignetti and her daughter, Trinity, built snowmen at the DeFilippo playground on Prince Street. Their snow couple is looking quite fancy and ready for a night out on the town!

Photo courtesy of Janine Martignetti.

Later, the snowmen ditched their hats and grew some hair!

Photo shared by Dave Goggins.

Meanwhile, this snowman below looked out over the rooftops of the North End, welcoming some hopefully better weather.

Photo credit: Devin DiCristofaro.

“Neighborhood Photo” is a regular feature on Send in your photos via email to; or tag @northend.waterfront on Instagram. Please include a caption or story telling us about your photo.

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