After recent tragic events involving the kidnapping and murder of a young woman, the Boston city council will hold a hearing on nightlife safety.
During the city council meeting, Boston city councilor Annissa Essaibi-George requested the meeting, saying it was the council’s job to make sure public safety concerns are met.
“We need to take a more proactive role when it comes to public safety,” she said during the meeting.
The city is still reeling after the kidnapping and murder of 23-year-old mother Jassy Correia. She was last seen at the popular nightclub Venu. Her body was later found by police in the trunk of a car several states away. This happening just weeks after another young woman was kidnapped, but thankfully later found safe after leaving a nightclub.
“Whether it’s daytime or nighttime, all women have the right to socialize in public spaces without facing threats of violence, sexual assault, kidnapping or murder,” said Essaibi-George.
“It falls on us to address the violence against women in our community,” she added.
The councilor said she also wants the hearing to address the rising rate of missing young men in the city.
Councilor Kim Janey said they have to change rape culture if they want to see any progress.
“We have to do better, especially with our men,” she said.
Janey shared a story about how recently she and her colleagues took a cab to a restaurant after work and her male colleague waited with her in the cab until she was done paying so she wouldn’t be alone.
“If it was the other way around, I wouldn’t have had to wait for him,” she said. “I wouldn’t have to worry about his safety.”
Other councilors suggested they see what kind of training nightclub bouncers and staff receive and make sure it’s adequate.
The city council will be inviting the Boston Police Department as well as nightclub owners to the hearing. Essaibi-George wants to go over the city protocol for when a person goes missing. They will also discuss how to educate residents on nightlife safety.