Arts & Culture Featured

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from all of us at! For the Christmas holiday, we would like to share the above video from the Christmas Concert 2018 as performed by the St. Leonard Choral Society and the North End Chamber Orchestra of Boston, Massachusetts, directed by maestro Dan Drzymalski, on December 16, 2018 at Sacred Heart Church. The concert helped raise nearly $4,000 in support of the Tufts Breast Cancer Center.  We also wanted to share the Christmas prayer below, courtesy of neighbor Marguerite Buonopane.

As Christmas candles glisten
And church bells ring once more
May happiness surround you
Peace knock upon your door
As trees are gay with tinsel
And Santa Claus appears
May all the joys of friendship
Be yours throughout the years
As well-remembered carols
Ring out upon the air
God bless and keep you safely
This is my Christmas prayer

See the Christmas Mass schedules at North End churches.

4 Replies to “Merry Christmas!

  1. Matt, may God bless you with a healthy and happy New Year 2019! Thank you for all you do for us here in the North End.

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