Event Notices

Sacco Vanzetti Commemoration Society Presents a Look at the Sacco & Vanzetti Trial

The Sacco Vanzetti Commemoration Society with The Dante Alighieri Society of Cambridge presents a look at the 1920-1927 case of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti on Wednesday, August 22 at 7 p.m. in Cambridge.

These two Italian immigrants were found guilty of robbery and murder and executed in 1927. Fifty years later, it was declared they received an unjust trial.

The case had a big impact in the North End community. The Sacco Vanzetti Defense Committee, which gained funds for court appeals, was located at 256 Hanover Street, where a plaque marks the spot today. The wake was held at Langone Funeral Home, then located on Hanover Street.

Join the presentation to see rare footage from the funeral, hear readings and participate in a public discussion. See the full event notice below.

4 Replies to “Sacco Vanzetti Commemoration Society Presents a Look at the Sacco & Vanzetti Trial

  1. They were foreign anarchists bent on overthrowing the government of the United States. They fled Italy because Italy didn’t want them. If they were German, Russian, Irish or Spanish, it would have all come to the same end. Why don’t we have a Julius and Ethel Rosenberg day to celebrate everyone who wanted to destroy democracy and turn this country into a third world dictatorship and then claim protected status due to they being a minority.

  2. I hear what your saying T ,but at least one of these guys was innocent and to say that they were screwed by the court system would be the understatement of the century.They would actually “parade” them on foot as the were cuffed and shackled as they were brought to the Dedham courthouse which was around the corner from the old jail.Crowds would then jeer and spit on them on their “walk” to the courthouse.We are not a third world country and EVERYONE is entitled to a fair trial regardless of their beliefs.

    1. JD, thanks for the link..it was a great read.A bit of trivia They were executed at the old Charlestown state prison and the wake and funeral for Sacco & Vanzetti was held on Hanover St.

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