This week is a busy one in Boston sports as the Bruins begin their playoff drive at home this Thursday against the Toronto Maple Leafs, and the Celtics kick-off their own playoff journey with a home game this weekend. The Red Sox season is also in full swing with the Yankees coming to town.
Whether you can name all the players on every team or just enjoy watching part of a game once in a while, there’s no denying Boston is well-known for its passionate sports fans. Which Boston sports team do you enjoy cheering for the most? Vote in our poll and add your comments in the section below.
I grew up mostly loving basketball and going to lot’s of Celtics games when the Big three were playing, I would choose the Celtics as my #1 NBA team before any other team, but I will watch the Pats, Red Sox, and Bruins too.
We Boston sports fans have been extremely fortunate over the years.
not good to vote for 1 team. I would say Go Sox!!! Go Pats!!! Go Celtics!!!
Syls D I love all four teams, it’s just Basketball is my favorite sport