Kids & Families Schools

Nazzaro Center Basketball Banquet – A Buzzer Beater! [Photos]

Over 200 people attended the Nazzaro Community Center’s annual basketball banquet held at Filippo’s Ristorante on March 18.

Over 100 trophies were presented to teams and individual players in many categories. Raffle tickets for a basketball, and tickets for the Celtics and Red Sox were presented free to participants through a random drawing.

Nazzaro Center Director Carl Ameno was the Master of ceremonies and he was given a standing ovation for his many efforts in providing valuable programs for the neighborhood. Music was provided by local DJ Sal Bartolo, as he usually does. Carl was ably assisted by Mike Giannasoli who also provided Celtic tickets.

One Reply to “Nazzaro Center Basketball Banquet – A Buzzer Beater! [Photos]

  1. Carl taught my son Aaron the fundamentals of the game when he was aged 7-9. Now my son plays for the National team of Thailand. Please let Carl know I am grateful and I’m sure I don’t need to remind the North End how lucky they are to have him

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