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Police Blotter: Prince Street Robbery and Purse Taken in Library

These are the recent incidents highlighted on the Boston Police District A-1 Police Blotter.

11/14/17          2:15am
Victim reports she was walking home on Prince St., when she was approached from behind by two men. At this time the suspects knocked her down and removed bank/credit cards and cash from her purse, fleeing on foot towards Commercial St.

Larceny from Building
11/14/17      3:30pm
Victim reports her purse was stolen from a Parmenter St. library. Victim stated there was a male suspect hanging around the children’s section of the library. When she got up to assist a child her purse was taken from her chair. Purse contained cash and keys.

See also two BPD arrests in the past week, one from an April 2017 Fulton St. violent home invasion and the other from the recent Hanover St. indecent assault.

6 Replies to “Police Blotter: Prince Street Robbery and Purse Taken in Library

  1. It is my understanding that the children’s section is for families only so it would be nice to know why there was come creepy guy hanging around in the children’s area and not asked to move to the adult side of the library. Used needles are found in the bathrooms often enough that it is a danger to any children using those facilities. It would be nice to have these issues addressed as it is a public space that should be safe for all the community. I’ve already filled out the survey the library recently sent around and emailed appropriate staff, but I hope other will do the same.

    1. I’ve asked this question and apparently there are plenty of libraries in the BPL system that actually do have security. The North End branch doesn’t and honestly, we probably need it at this point. Sad to say, but true.

  2. Keep bathroom locked people use it for drugs This has bean going on for years. There is so much crap going on in North End and i do agree with any guys near children’s area or any other area Parks,Playgrounds,etc. I do agree with JD well said!

  3. Had a laptop stolen there a year ago. Place is the size of a large living room & is always like a zoo. How about a security camera for starters? One would probably cover the entire place, shady people always there. Nice to have a library in the neighborhood but it’s more like a small rec center.

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