Filming for the new Godzilla movie came to Boston’s North End on Wednesday with crews setting up on Hanover Street.
Photos by Adam Castiglioni (@ConciergeBoston)
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Why do we need another. Godzilla film?
MichaelD, Before I address why we need another Godzilla film, I’m going to go ahead and ask you to study English Composition again. Please put particular emphasis on punctuation. Thanks buddy!!
Rich. PLEASE ! Poetic Justice. He’s thinking out loud. Why do we need another.
Godzilla Film? Are you a professor or do you enjoy criticizing bloggers? Totally uncalled for.
I have no opinion on whether another Godzilla movie is needed and I am certainly not in a position to criticize anyone else’s punctuation. However, I do have one question. With the entire neighborhood dug up, the return of busloads of autumn tourists and construction taking place everywhere, why did the City think this was a good time for Godzilla to be filmed in the Prado? Are they going with a Paul Revere theme? Or is it just that the City never says no when it comes to squeezing more projects, events, people, etc. into our limited space? Does anyone in City Hall understand the concept of ENOUGH?
Couldn’t agree more with Mary…just another example of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing at City Hall. Absolutely no coordination of activities between different city agencies.