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Autumn Jazz Soirée Welcome Back Party Supports North End Music & Performing Arts Center [Photos]

The North End Music & Performing Arts Center (NEMPAC) hosted friends and art lovers on Thursday night at their Autumn Jazz Soirée Welcome Back Party on the Prado. Under a canopy of trees, neighbors joined for an evening of music, food and drinks on the doorstep of the NEMPAC building, the non-profit’s music studio and after-school programming space. Situated between the Old North Church and the Cyrus Dallin statue of Paul Revere, it was perfect place to celebrate arts in the North End.

“We are truly grateful to our neighbors, supporters, families and friends for coming out to a fun, musical night to support NEMPAC”, said Sherri Snow, executive director of NEMPAC. Event organizer and board member, Jennifer McGivern added, “We are so fortunate to have NEMPAC in our neighborhood and to have the community support from this annual event to continue enriching lives through quality music programming.”

Live music was provided by Thomas Schiavoni and Stefano Marchese with his band Scanzonatti. Food came from Benevento’sModern PastryManda and Me Catering, and an open bar featuring 90+ CellarsHarpoon, and Southern Tier Brewing Company. Sponsors also included Rafi Properties, Andrea and Arthur Waldstein, Century Bank, Rep. Danny Ryan, Rep. Aaron Michlewitz, Design Loom, Sen. Joe Boncore and Councilor Sal LaMattina.