Three Things to Know for the Last Weekend in October!
1. Events from today and the entire weekend!
Friday, October 28
6:30pm RUFF Doggie Trick or Treat – Rescheduled to Friday! Meet at the Richmond Street Dog Run – Dress your pup up for Halloween and have some fun getting doggie treats throughout the neighborhood! Always such a fun evening for the dogs and neighbors.
7:00pm Halloween Party for Boston Community Collaborative. Boston Community Collaborative (BCC) will hold its annual Fundraiser Halloween Party for adults, friends and neighbors on from 7-11 at Fillipo’s Restaurant. Contact for more information.
Saturday, October 29
10:30am Focus Group on Public Art & Climate Change at NBSS, 150 North Street. North End Residents Needed for focus group. “Public Art and Climate Change: Learning from “High Tide” – Professors Carolina Aragón and Elisabeth Hamin, from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, are conducting a research project to understand to role of public art in communicating about climate change. More information.
10:30am I Piccoli Lettori – Halloween-inspired reading (costumes welcome!). Join I AM Books for its Italian reading group for little ones! Children (0-4) and their parents will engage in multiple readings and games for a fun morning of Italian language and learning. [189 North Street, Boston].
12:00pm Pet Costume Parade at Faneuil Hall Marketplace. Faneuil Hall Marketplace Merchants Association will host its fourth annual Halloween Pet Parade and Costume Contest, register here for a chance to win several great prizes. More information.
1:00pm Family Fall Festival at Old North. Bring your family to the Old North Historic Site for a free fall festival sure to delight! Make a tricorne hat or a paper lantern, find a new read at our Gift Shop book sale, take a frightfully fun crypt tour, and listen to Jane Wood read excerpts from her young adult novel Lost in Boston. More information.
1:00pm North End Halloween Parade at Hanover & Battery Streets. The 65th Annual Outdoor Halloween Party and Parade will begin at Hanover and Battery Streets in Boston’s North End. Sponsored by the Madonna Della Cava Society and the Mayor’s Office.
6:30pm St. Leonard Parish Annual Dinner Dance at Knights of Columbus Charlestown. Knights of Columbus Hall – 545 Medford Street Charlestown. Tickets? Call 617-523-2100 or stop by the church office, $65 per person – advanced sales only.
2. Enjoy the public art before it gets too cold!
3. Did you happen to catch these stories?
Public weighs in on City Hall redevelopment
The brick and concrete dominated plaza known as Boston City Hall was the cause that drew dozens of people to join a meeting for a redevelopment planned by Mayor Martin J. Walsh. Trying to redesign a City Hall Plaza, folks aimed to have a reimagined place with upgrades to the building and surrounding patio, continue reading at, The Boston Globe.
Boston Barber and Tattoo Founder Rob Dello Russo
Salem Street is the location for Rob Dello Russo’s Boston Barber and Tattoo shop that has seen some extensive renovations, after the city wouldn’t allow a tattoo and barber shop in one location unless there was two main entrances. Dello Russo was born and raised in the North End and has certainly capitalized on the gentrification of the neighborhood, read the full article at,
Keep up with what’s happening on the Events Calendar.
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