The following incident report is courtesy of District A-1 Boston Police:
Breaking & Entering / Possession Cl -D W/I
03/12/16 ~ 1:54am
Male suspect arrested inside a Baldwin Place apartment building for breaking & entering and possession of marijuana with intent to distribute. Victim reports it is unknown how the suspect gained entry into the building but he was forcibly trying to get into her apartment through the 2nd and 3rd floors. A search incident to arrest revealed the zip locked bags of marijuana.
Robbery (Knife)
03/19/16 ~ 2:32am
Two male suspects were arrested for armed robbery after ripping a gold chain with a cross on it from the victim’s neck inside a Prince Street bakery. One of the suspects displayed a knife then both fled on foot. Responding officer’s located the suspects and recovered a knife, then proceeded to bring them back to the scene for a positive identification. On March 21st. a bakery employee turned over the chain and cross he had found inside the store. Police Officer’s logged in the found evidence.
Too bad N.E. is really going to” POT”.
Maggie, You are so right, but it went to “Pot” a very longtime ago. The North End is a Big Target for
thieves & junkies
because of all the Revenue it generates, & this is only the beginning, wait until Summer comes.
I LOVE the N.E. and always will I was born there and grew up there & my dearest friends still live in the N.E I moved
years ago, but I did live in the N.E. when it was just starting to become a money making place…restaurants popping up everywhere,
and ignorant drunken people going to them from out of town with no respect for the people that live their. JOAN OF ARC you are so
right it did go to “POT” a long time ago. Its to bad because it really was a wonderful place to live. I always felt so save their.
I suppose you could say that about any neighborhood/city in the US. I doubt whether the NE is the sole target for junkies and thieves.
Darcy, You are entitled to your own opinion. We do not have the Police Protection we should have.
I have watched the North End make some very big changes over the years, and they weren’t all
that good.
This neighborhood has turned into Restaurant Haven and the Residents have basically been
thrown aside & have been for a very longtime. We are not N.Y.C. and we will never be, and we
certainly don’t have the Police Power N.Y.C. has, therefore, things down here are only going to
get worse. I hope I am wrong, but you will see for yourself.
the NE is only 0.36 square miles and hardly warrants a huge police force
the mayor has a hot line for complaints and you could call. 311 instead of people moaning all the time about druggies etc.
Darcy the size of the Neighborhood does not matter, we have more crime than before & it is rising.
Both 617 635 4500 & 311 are
I don’t Moan, but I will always fight for what I BELIEVE in. I deal with facts, not fairytales. Neither
you or anyone else for that matter, could tell me about this Neighborhood. I was born & brought
up here & I intend to die here. The Fact is the City only cares about the Money that is generated
down here, not the Residents. Druggies are only a very small portion of the problem down here,
the Drunks are one of the biggest problems, with people screaming & yelling that have no regard
for the Elderly or people with Children. It all comes down to the same old story, Money is the
Root of all Evil. I like Money just like everybody else, but I would never sell my Soul for it.
311 is a joke.
Walk down Hanover st,
Prince st and Salem st during the day and watch Btd walk right past double parked commercial vehicles, yet 1 minute after street cleaning they start targeting residents.
City hall out right puts business before residents. If more residents were home during the day, this wouldn’t stand. You get a ticket for being 5 minutes late to move your car, yet commercial vehicles creat a public safety issue (ambulance/ fire trucks being impeded and I’ve watched mothers/ nanny’s have to go into the middle of the street due to a commercial vehicle being on the side walk (also this creates a dangerous blind spot))? and Btd walks right by
Complain to the city and you get no response or worse- threatened.
The neighborhood is still great DESPITE THE CITY and it’s because of the people who call this place home long term (both from birth and those who moved and found their new home).
The city should put residents FIRST, which includes (but not limited to), fair parking enforcement, the necessary police presence (scaled based on the number of people “visiting”), and make business/ restaurant owners be good neighbors (there is no reason why any establishment that is so popular that it has a line out the door, can’t have someone come out and make sure the line is not completely blocking the sidewalk).
The out of town business owners would’t like it if people were parked side by side on their suburban streets so they couldn’t get by. Their streets in the burbs are our side walks in the north end.