Community Government

Neighborhood Council Announces 2016 Election Schedule; No Write-Ins

After being postponed by snow earlier in the month, the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) held its monthly meeting on Monday, February 23rd at the Pilot House. In addition to its regular committee reports, President Philip Frattaroli announced the schedule and process for this year’s NEWNC election.

The 2016 NEWNC election will be held on May 14, 2016. Nominations papers will be made available starting April 11th at the NEWNC monthly meeting and thereafter at the Nazzaro Center front desk. Nominations papers must be submitted by May 2nd. A candidates night will be held on May 9th at the monthly NEWNC meeting. On NEWNC Election Day, May 14th, residents of the North End / Waterfront can vote from 10am – 2pm at the Nazzaro Community Center, 30 N. Bennet Street.

NEWNC has voted to change its by-laws regarding the election process. Forty North End / Waterfront signatures will be required, up from twenty-five. In addition, write-in candidates will NOT be allowed. Only residents that comply with the signature process will appear on the ballot. Lastly, candidates must sign a confirmation statement that they will uphold NEWNC by-laws.

View the above video for more details on the election and other neighborhood announcements made at the NEWNC meeting.

Meeting Video Timeline:

(00:00) Resident Parking Report – Ryan Kenny

Street sweeping starts March 1st (more information).

(00:50) Public Safety Report – Sean Hennessey

(01:30) Greenway Report – John Pregmon

(01:50) Election Committee Report – Philip Frattaroli

(03:20) Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services Report – Maria Lanza

Boston Shines will be held on May 7th in the North End

(05:30) State Rep. Aaron Michlewitz Office – Patrick Lyons

Rep. Michlewitz has pulled papers for his re-election as State Representative.

2 Replies to “Neighborhood Council Announces 2016 Election Schedule; No Write-Ins

  1. Per Zip Car, of course they are going to come in and give us statistics why they should be in the North End..No one has issues with that. The problem people have is…why were they GIVEN PUBLIC parking spots without having to vet it with the various neighborhood associations? Parading out people who use Zip Car is missing the point. It’s a great service…but they should have to PAY for municipal spots like everyone else.

  2. This arrangement by the mayor is a trial period. Zip Car and Enterprise are paying $3,500 rent per space a year. The question remains, as you wrote, why wasn’t this ‘idea’ brought before the neighborhood associations?

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