Event Notices

Cancelled: February 8th NEWNC: Crudo Alcohol License, ZipCar Program, Parking Extension!

This NEWNC meeting is cancelled due to the snow storm closing the Nazzaro Center.


North End/Waterfront Neighborhood Council
Website: www.NEWNCBoston.org
Email: info@newncboston.org

Monday, February 8, 2016, 7:00PM
Nazzaro Center, 30 North Bennet Street

1.   Welcome:  NEWNC President

2.   Call to order & Roll Call:  NEWNC President

3.   Meeting Protocol:  NEWNC Vice President

4.   President’s Report:  NEWNC President

5.   Committee Reports:

a.  Resident Parking/Traffic Committee: Ryan Kenny

b.  Public Safety Committee: Sean Hennessy

c.  Greenway Committee:  John Pregmon

6.   Reports from the Offices of Local Elected Officials

7.   ZipCar: Jeremy Pomp, General Manager of ZipCar Boston will discuss the results of the first three months of a trial program in the North End.

8.   280-290 Commercial Street, Laz Parking:  Applicant is seeking an extension of the Use of Premises Permit for 280-290 Commercial, to extend the current use of premise of open air parking.  (Todd Gilbert)

9.   Crudo, 54 Salem St., Nicholas Leo:  Petitioner seeking to upgrade their Wine & Malt with Cordials license to an All Alcohol License with no change of hours, description or operation.  (Atty. Dan Toscano, Licensing Board Hearing Feb. 17th).

10.   Announcements/Open Discussion/Comments: