
NEAA News: Time to Think Soccer!

It is time to think Soccer! The NEAA has been working on a newly expanded format for 2015 and we hope it will make your child’s experience a little better.

We are keeping the same age format, 4 & 5 Year Olds, 6 to 8 Year Olds and 9 to 12 Year Olds. It is a 10 week commitment on Saturdays starting September 12th. We have 3 age groups: Ages: 4/5,(9:15am) 6 to 8, (10:30am) and 9 to 12 (11:45am).

We are going to play on the big field at Puopolo Park. We will use the side near the basketball court. This year Jason Boucher, Juan Gali and David Serpa will be organizing and running the program with me.

We will be expanding to 10 weeks, with the first week being only practice, giving out uniforms and getting to know the coaches. We have put together a format where all teams in all age groups will have a series of drills (I use the word DRILL very lightly) each of the remaining 9 weeks that they will practice. Then, we will have game time like we have been doing the past years. We will increase the game time after a few weeks but drills will continue.

We will still keep the same informal, fun and enjoyable atmosphere that you all have enjoyed over the last several years – that will not change. We are all about the kids having fun but want to add a little structure to help them learn a little more about the game.

We will have 4 teams in the 4/5 year old division, we will have 6 teams in the 6 to 8 year old division and 4 teams in the 9 to 12 year old division. All teams are boys and girls.

The Registration Fee has increased to $45. If this presents a hardship to anyone, please let me know directly. The NEAA will never deny a child from playing due to an inability to pay.

Registration will open on August 14th at, just click on soccer registration. You will get a return e-mail saying we received your registration and where to mail payment. If you do not get this return e-mail then your registration did not take so please do it again.

The first two weeks of registration will be restricted to North End Residents, returning soccer players from last year and any siblings of those returning players! On September 1st, if we have room, we will open it up to others. We will be limiting the number of players per team to 12.

We are in need of a couple coaches and assistant coaches in each age group, if you are interested in coaching please contact me directly ASAP. Your child will be assigned to your team.

We are looking forward to a great season and expect it to be a lot of fun.


JR (
North End Athletic Association