Once again, the Nazzaro Center teamed up with the Police Activities League, the North End Athletic Association and North End Against Drugs to provide families and friends of the North End with an incredible grand finale to the center’s ski program, a week-end of skiing at arguably the best ski resort in the east, Killington Mountain. After various day trips run by the center throughout New England during a typical winter, the Nazzaro Center’s annual week-end, program-ending outing is always one of the most anticipated events of the year and this season’s getaway was no exception.
One would think that Bostonians had seen more than enough snow this winter, but the 24 families taking part in this year’s junket headed north on a Friday afternoon, the first day of spring, seeking even more of the white stuff (they actually had to drive through a small squall on the way). Having become an annual tradition going back 17 years, this year’s outing was the biggest yet, with 65 people taking part.
And being spring in New England, it wasn’t too surprising to see a mix of sun, wind, snow, warm temperatures and frigid air all within the 48 hours that the group was in Vermont. But the skiing was first rate and the accommodations were all that could be desired for families and young children. The Chalet Killington, where the Nazzaro contingent commandeered 21 of the 29 rooms, provided warm, clean rooms, all with televisions, a common area surrounding a beautiful fireplace with a big HD screen above it, game rooms featuring ping-pong and pool tables, a sauna, an indoor jacuzzi and, the most popular amenity of them all, an outdoor heated pool.
Special thanks to Billy Stoddard of PAL, Teddy Tomasone from the NEAA and the entire board of North End Against Drugs for continuing to make this unique trip possible year after year at family friendly prices.