240th Annual Old North Lantern Ceremony
Sunday, April 19, 2015
6:30 p.m. Reception | 8 p.m. Lantern Ceremony
Old North Church invites you to attend the 240th Annual Lantern Ceremony on Sunday, April 19, 2015 at Old North Church.
On April 18, 1775, two lanterns were hung from the steeple of the Old North Church, launching what would become the American Revolutionary War. Signaling the departure of British regulars “by sea,” the two lanterns have come to represent the resolve and ingenuity of the American spirit.
Every year since 1875, on the eve of Patriot’s Day, Old North has commemorated the hanging of the lanterns by inviting guests to join a prominent member of the community at the Lantern Ceremony. This year, we will honor a team of healthcare workers, from Partners in Health, who have travelled to West Africa, to volunteer their time and medical expertise, to aid communities and individuals effected by the deadly Ebola virus.
The Annual Lantern Ceremony event includes:
- Performance by the First Michigan Fife & Drum Corps
- Private reception in tented courtyard
- Reading of Longfellow’s poem, Paul Revere’s Ride
- Representatives from local colonial militia
- Color Guard from the USS Constitution
- Featured Keynote Speaker Boston Mayor Marty Walsh
- Honorary Lantern Carriers to be announced
The annual Lantern Ceremony is the Old North Foundation’s PREMIER event. Please join us for this annual Old North celebration and exciting Patriot’s Day weekend event. Sponsorships support the ongoing efforts of the Old North Foundation to preserve, provide educational programming, and engage the public in the Old North’s history and its role in inspiring liberty and freedom.
Sponsorships and Tickets
.Lantern Lighter = $10,000 / 2 pews or 10 center aisle seats
.Steeple Climber = $5,000 / 2 pews or 8 seats
.Pew Owner = $1,500 / 1 pew or 5 seats
.Single ticket = $200 / 1 pew seat
.General Admission $40 1 seat in balcony (does not include reception)
[button link=”http://oldnorth.com/240th-annual-lantern-ceremony-reserve-now/”]Reserve Lantern Ceremony Tickets[/button]
Tickets can also be reserved by phone at (617) 841-8805
See photos and videos from past years of the Lantern Ceremony.