Phil Carangelo and the Saint Agrippina Society are bringing the holiday toy program back this year for North End children. Details below.
19th Annual Christmas Program for North End Children
St. Agrippina’s Chapel at 459 Hanover Street
Sponsored by the St. Agrippina di Mineo Benefit Society
Sunday, December 14th from 12 noon to 2 p.m.
The North End children, ages 10 and under, who wish to attend should have their parents call the number 617-363-2678 in advance. To confirm, you must supply your child’s name, age, gender address, and phone number so that we can report to Santa’s elves!
Please, you must confirm in advance! All children 10 and under will receive a picture with Santa and a gift. Children must be present and accompanied by an adult.
There will also be face painting, balloons, characters, gift bags – so please, bring a camera with you to record this event as well!
This free event is limited to North End children.
Merry Christmas and Viva Sant’ Agrippina!
This is a great tradition. I used to bring my daughter and she always got such wonderful gifts. Thank you Phil Carangelo and the St. Agrippina Society for remember the North End and the children of the North End.
Keep up the good work and Merry Christmas to all of you!