Government People

Memorials and Condolences for Mayor Tom Menino

A memorial guest book has been set up at City Hall for Mayor Tom Menino inside the west entrance. There is also purple bunting hanging outside the Mayor’s Office at Government Center. Condolence books can also be signed throughout the Boston neighborhoods, including at the Nazzaro Center front desk.

Photos by Brendan O’Brien and Matt Conti.

2 Replies to “Memorials and Condolences for Mayor Tom Menino

  1. Remembered him fondly as a High School aquaintance as we drove the trolley together to go to the same High School..We often spoke of our Italian heritage. He was a year ahead of me, but we were the same age. We may have had friends in common but we never really hung around together…I will never forget all the things he did for the city I love and the city I was born in- Boston. Thank you Tom.

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