
The Weekender: Independence Day Celebration, Eliot School Hosts “Spring Gala”

A happy 4th of July weekend! The Weekender is a weekly compilation of the most popular posts on over the past week. Published every weekend for your convenience, this post allows you to catch up on the things you may have missed. 

Top Posts This Week:

Prince Street was the sight of some action last week! (NEWF Photo)
Prince Street was the sight of some action last week! (NEWF Photo)

Watch Out Below: Mattress Box Spring Coming Down From Roof on Prince Street

Just when you thought you’ve seen it all, check out this photo of a man throwing out his mattress box spring from his rooftop at 109 Prince Street. Whether he just let it go or if it was lowered by a rope is still up for debate. View Post to view photo and more.

Downtown View: Fear All Around

This post is published every week, offering an insightful view of the city. This week talks about the practical fears of living in the city these days and having kids travel to school on public transportation.  View Post

Neighborhood Poll: Do You Favor 4:00 a.m. Closing Hours For Bars & Restaurants?

A City Hall proposal by Mayor Walsh to extend bar and restaurant closing hours to 4:00 a.m. is still in the mix, take a vote and see how your neighbors feel about the closing extension proposal. Cast your vote and view the post.

Independence Day Celebration at Christopher Columbus Park Draws Large Crowd

With beautiful weather and a great crowd, this celebration at the Christopher Columbus Park proved to be a huge success. Celebrating American independence day, the red white and blue covered the occasion. View Post

Fans crowd around the big screen on City Hall Plaza (Photo by Matt Conti)
Fans crowd around the big screen on City Hall Plaza (Photo by Matt Conti)

Photo Gallery: USA Team Brings Out World Cup Soccer Fans

Heavy humidity and sunshine couldn’t stop bostonians from viewing the World Cup match against Belgium. Government Center was packed with fans ready to cheer on the action! View Post

Editor’s Pick:

Photo Gallery: Eliot School “Spring Gala”

Supporters gathered for the annual Eliot School “Spring Gala” for the expanding North End K-8 Innovation School. This catered event at the Coast Guard Station offered hors d’oeuvres, food stations, auction, raffles and dancing! View Post

Despite the unfortunate weather, take a look at the events post to check out local happenings!