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Boston Parks Summer Fitness Series Kickoff Draws Record Crowd to Christopher Columbus Park

The City’s kickoff for its Boston Parks Summer Fitness Series drew a record crowd this week at Christopher Columbus Park in Boston’s North End. Introducing the event were interim Parks Commissioner Chris Cook and Public Health Commission’s Dr. Barbara Ferrer along with Blue Cross Blue Shield’s Jeff Bellows.

The June 2nd kickoff featured a Zumba class followed by a Boot Camp session. Upcoming classes will offer salsa dancing, yoga and tai chi. Blue Cross Blue Shield gave out free pedometers with resources by City Sports and refreshments from Clif Bar and Polar Beverages. In addition, the new mobile Boston Water Trailer was on hand from BWSC.

The series will run for three months to activate the open spaces and increase opportunities for physical activity throughout the Boston neighborhoods. Find out more on the program at or on Facebook. View upcoming sessions in the North End / Waterfront on the Events Calendar.

Photos by Lauren Patrick.

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