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210 Endicott St. Elevator Extension & Table Mercato Change to Include Take-out Both Supported by Neighborhood Council
The North End/ Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) heard from petitioners on two projects in the North End at their July 2020 meeting. 210 Endicott Street Elevator Extension The Dello Russo family sought permission to extend the building’s existing elevator to include ADA access to the roof deck. This change would require a 7’8″ addition on Read More…
Mayor’s Column: How We’re Working to Replace the North Washington Street Bridge
By Mayor Martin J. Walsh The North Washington Street Bridge, also known as the Charlestown Bridge, has been an important connector between the North End and Charlestown for more than a century. I’m proud that now, it’s getting the upgrade it deserves. We recently began construction to replace the bridge with a new one that Read More…
Announcing the 2011 Greenway Food Vendors
News from the Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy: The Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy ( is expanding last year’s popular food vending program on the Greenway, and today announced the names and locations of the finalists and the food they will be serving. The expansion is based on the success of 2010’s successful pilot program. This year, Read More…