Event Notices

Six North End Streets Added to Street Sweeping Program

The following information comes from Boston Public Works Department regarding the addition of six new North End streets to the mechanical sweeping program. North End street sweeping starts the week of March 11th, but the new streets will have a grace period until April 1, 2013.

New Posted Street Sweeping

The Boston Public Works Department is implementing posted street sweeping program on several streets in your immediate neighborhood. These additions will complete the posted sweeping program for the North End. Currently, many cars on these streets do not move on the scheduled street sweeping day and the sweeper cannot access the curb area. This program will allow for more effective mechanical street sweeping resulting in a cleaner environment in your community.

The new streets to be posted for sweeping are:

• Battery Street, from Hanover to End Thursdays 8:00AM–12:00PM
• Clark Street, from Hanover to Commercial Thursdays 8:00AM–12:00PM
• Cross Street, from N. Washington to Atlantic Tuesdays 12:00PM—4:00PM
• Garden Court, from North Sq to Fleet Tuesdays 12:00PM—4:00PM
• Moon Street, from North Sq to Fleet Tuesdays 12:00PM—4:00PM
• Stillman Street, from Salem to End Tuesdays 12:00PM—4:00PM

• Typically, the North End posted sweeping program begins on March 1. However, due to the many snow events, the placement of the signs on these streets has been delayed. Therefore, the program and enforcement for these streets ONLY will begin on April 1, 2013. The Boston Transportation Department will post the signs on your street prior to that date. The signs will indicate the days and hours when the parking restrictions will be in effect. Please note the information on the signs prior to April 1.

• The odd numbered side of the street will be swept on the 1st & 3rd designated weekday of the month. The even side will be swept on the 2nd & 4th designated day of the month.

• The program will typically run from March 1 through December 31 each year.

• This program will be enforced through parking fines as well as towing of vehicles. Please comply with the posted regulations.

• Comprehensive street sweeping information can be found at www.cityofboston.gov. Weather and road conditions will occasionally require cancellation of street sweeping and enforcement. You can register for posted street sweeping electronic reminders and cancellation info by accessing the No-Tow link. Inquiries can also be directed to the Mayor’s 24-Hour Service at 617-635-4500 at any time.

• Your cooperation is greatly appreciated as we work to provide a cleaner City.

2 Replies to “Six North End Streets Added to Street Sweeping Program

  1. How do streets get chosen?
    For impact on tourism? -Cross, Battery, Garden Court (have to take care of the Kennedy shrine)
    Because of cross traffic? maybe Clark St and Battery again
    Where does that leave Moon and Stillman? Who lives on these and was able to get their street on the list ahead of other streets that need attention?

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