
Councilor LaMattina Holds Hearing to Support $73,000 Grant for Copp’s Hill Burying Ground

News from the Office of City Councilor, Sal LaMattina, on fencing restoration at Copp’s Hill Burying Ground:

City Councilor Salvatore LaMattina, Chairman of the Committee on City and Neighborhood Services held a hearing on Thursday, December 13, 2012 to have a $73,000 grant accepted and expended for the city’s Parks and Recreation Department. The grant is from the Mass. Cultural Council Cultural Facilities Fund and will be used to restore the ornamental fencing at the Copp’s Hill Burying Ground. Most of the work will be done on the Charter St. side of Copp’s Hill. Smaller interior fencing may also be restored based on the incoming bids and another potential grant of $25,000 from the Freedom Trail Foundation. The committee has sent the request to the Boston City Council to approve at Wednesday’s (Dec 19th) Council Hearing.

The City and Neighborhood Services Committee hearing notice is attached (pdf) and shown below.


One Reply to “Councilor LaMattina Holds Hearing to Support $73,000 Grant for Copp’s Hill Burying Ground

  1. michele brogan

    This is an excellent Christmas Present for Coops Hill and its many visitors. Just another example of Councilor La Matina’s ongoing committment to Historic preservation in the North End.

    We are fortunate to have such an effective advocate.

    Thank You,
    Michele Brogan

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