Arts & Culture Community Photos & Videos

Christmas Concert Attracts Hundreds for Italian Songs and Arias in North End [Video]

They were standing in the aisles at the First Annual Christmas Concert in the North End, a musical kick-off to the season with Italian songs and arias. The event was presented by the Italian Consulate of Boston, represented by Consul General Guiseppe Pastorelli, and the Boston Conservatory. Freshman students from the Conservatory gave solo performances accompanied on piano by professor Patty Thom. Hosting the event at Sacred Heart Church, 10 North Square was Pastor Antonio Nardoianni of Saint Leonard Parish. In his opening remarks, Consul General Pastorelli announced plans are taking shape to open an Italian Cultural Center in the North End.

The video slideshow below is a mix of photos, audio and video to give you a taste of performance held on December 4, 2012.

Photos and video by Matt Conti.