Event Notices

Tuesday News & Views: Parks Meetings, Language Translation and a Pumpkins Photo


What’s Going On Today:

There are two “parks” meetings on Tuesday night. At 5:30 pm, it is the Annual Meeting for the Greenway Conservancy at Atlantic Wharf, 290 Congress St., 2nd floor. At 7:00 pm, NEWRA Parks Committee hosts Kelly Thomas of the Parks Department at the Nazzaro Center to discuss renovations at Copp’s Hill Burying Ground. The Events Calendar has all the details.

What’s new on the blog:

What Were They Thinking?” asks Karen Cord Taylor in today’s column.

What people are talking about:

The latest month’s real estate sales in the North End / Waterfront.

Just For Fun:

A new addition to the family fun lineup of activities for Columbus Day on Monday, October 8th at Christopher Columbus Park. FOCCP announces Cornell’s a cappella group will be part of the entertainment.


Any post or page on NorthEndWaterfront.com can now be translated into 54 different languages available in the drop down menu at the bottom of every webpage. Just choose your language and voila! … the page will automatically be translated. Italian is the most common language request we receive, so now we invite you to …  leggere le notizie quartiere nella tua lingua.

Neighborhood Photo of the Day:

You can tell it’s October just by looking at the Prince Postale sidewalk display.

Prince Postale October Display – 2012 – Photo by Matt Conti

Click photo image above to enlarge. Did you take a great photo? Send it in.

Your comments are welcome below. Then, go and enjoy the day!