Community Event Notices

Commercial Wharf and Yacht Haven Back on Agenda for July 11, 2012 ConComm Hearing

The following agenda comes from the Boston Conservation Commission for their hearing on July 11, 2012, 6:00pm at Boston City Hall, Room 801. Emphasis added on North End / Waterfront related items.


In accordance with the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L. Chapter 131, Section 40, the Boston Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing in Boston City Hall, Room 801 on July 11, 2012 to review the following projects to determine what conditions, if any, the Commission will impose in order to protect the interests of the public and private water supply, ground water, prevention of pollution, flood control, prevention of storm damage, protection of fisheries and land containing shellfish, and protection of wildlife habitat:

[box]6:00 PM Request to amend Order of Conditions DEP File No. 006-1244 from Boston Boat Basin LLC, to replace existing floats and remove and install existing and new piles at 87 Commercial Wharf, North End, Boston Inner Harbor (Land Under Ocean, Fish Run). Continued from the June 6, 2012 Public Hearing[/box]

6:15 PM Notice of Intent from United States Navy for in-water and landside borings to advance engineering design for repairs to the existing berth and pier for the U.S.S. Constitution, at 93 Chelsea Street, Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston Inner Harbor (Land Under Ocean, Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage). Continued from the June 2012 Public Hearing Due to Lack of Quorum

6:30 PM Notice of Intent from the Boston Parks and Recreation Department for improvements to the Mother’s Rest Playground, involving resurfacing, replacement of play structures and fencing, at 35 The Fenway, Muddy River (Bordering Land Subject to Flooding, 100-foot Buffer Zone).

Continued from the June 2012 Public Hearing Due to Lack of Quorum

6:45 PM Notice of Intent from the Boston Parks and Recreation Department for the reconstruction of approximately 250 linear feet of boardwalk adjacent to Wards Pond, Perkins Street, Jamaica Plain (Bordering Vegetated Wetland, 100-foot Buffer Zone)

 7:00 PM Notice of Intent from the Emerald Necklace Conservancy for slope stabilization measures involving repairs to two areas of bank erosion at the Pine Bank Promontory, at Chestnut Street and Perkins Street, Jamaica Plain, Jamaica Pond (100-foot Buffer Zone to Inland Bank).

 7:15 PM Notice of Intent from Duffield Engineering and Consulting, submitted per the requirements of an  Enforcement Order issued to 479 Meridian Street LLC, to conduct marine salvage work, and install site erosion and sediment controls, site stabilization measures and stormwater drainage controls, at 479 Meridian Street, East Boston, Chelsea Creek (Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage, Coastal Bank, Tidal Flat, Land Under Ocean, Riverfront Area, 100-foot Buffer Zone). Continued from the June 6, 2012 Public Hearing

 7:30 PM Notice of Intent from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the Longfellow Bridge, involving the replacement of the bridge deck, deck framing, and sections of spandrel columns and arch rib girders; repainting of steel structures; the cleaning and repointing of granite piers; replacement of a pedestrian bridge; landscaping improvements; and installation of stormwater management infrastructure, Storrow Drive and Route 3, Charles River (Land Under Waterways, 100-foot Buffer Zone to Inland Bank).

7:45 PM Notice of Intent from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation for a Vegetation Management Plan, submitted per the requirements of an Enforcement Order, for the cutting of vegetation at four locations along I-93, Southeast Expressway, from the Neponset River to Playstead Road, Dorchester (100-foot Buffer Zone). Continued from the June 20, 2012 Public Hearing

8:00 PM Update from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation on Order of Conditions DEP File No. 006-0647, issued for the construction of a water transportation docking facility adjacent to 500 Atlantic Avenue and Atlantic Wharf, Boston, Fort Point Channel. Continued from the April 18, 2012 Public Hearing

Sign Language interpreters are available upon prior request.  The Commission will hold a public meeting immediately following the last hearing or as appropriate following any hearing.  Plans and filings with the Commission may be viewed at the Environment Department, Boston City Hall, Room 805, during regular business hours, 9 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday.  For more information, call (617) 635-4417.