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“The Prado: It’s History and Future” by David A. Kubiak (Video)

Video: “The Prado: It’s History and Future” by David A. Kubiak, North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association’s Parks and Open Space Committee

On Thursday, May 17, 2012, the Old North Church hosted a three part public lecture, “The Paul Revere Mall: History, Art and Community”.

In the first part of the lecture, shown in this video, David A. Kubiak presents “The Prado: It’s History, and Future.” Kubiak is a longtime North End resident and represents the North End/ Waterfront Residents’ Association Parks and Open Spaces Committee. His talk focused on the history, vision and landscape design of the Paul Revere Mall, called “The Prado” by the local community. Introducing the lecture was Rev. Stephen T. Ayres, Vicar of the Old North Church and member of the Friends of the Prado.

The second part featured Rebecca Reynolds, American Art Curator presenting “Arrested Motion: Cyrus Dallin’s Statue of Paul Revere” by Rebecca Reynolds (Video) and Alex Goldfeld, North End Historical Society President, presenting “The Pride of Later Generations: North End History Remembered in the Prado.”

This lecture follows a successful April 29, 2012 outdoor celebration. The two events are intended to raise a new consciousness about the importance of the Paul Revere Mall for its historical, public and community value. The event sponsors are actively promoting investment in the Mall in order to restore the physical integrity of the space to Shurcliff’s original design and to see a revitalization of the park as both a historical monument and a beautiful open space for neighborhood and visitor gathering and reflection.

Sponsors: Old North Church, Cyrus Dallin Art Museum, Paul Revere Memorial Association, North End Historical Society, North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association, and Friends of the Prado.

See also:

Contact David Kubiak and the NEWRA Parks and Open Spaces Committee at

One Reply to ““The Prado: It’s History and Future” by David A. Kubiak (Video)

  1. Matt,
    Thanks, for the excellent coverage of both Prado related events. Restoring this Historic Treasure comes at a time of change in the area. The expansion of the Eliot and Nempac make the restoration even more.
    significant. A most grateful and eager resident.

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