An advisory from MassDOT:
MassDOT will be accepting public comment on the four proposals it received Parcel 9 in the North End of Boston. The 30-day public comment period starts May 3, 2012 and goes to June 3, 2012.
Parcel 9 is located between the John Fitzgerald Surface Road and Blackstone Street in Boston’s North End.
Four proposals have been received in response to an RFP released earlier this year. The four proponents made presentations to the community over the last two weeks in public meetings held in the North End on April 25 and May 1.
Members of the public can submit their comments on each of the proposals by e-mail at: or by U.S. Mail at:
Mass DOT
RE: Parcel 9
10 Park Plaza, Suite 4170
Boston, Mass. 02116
All four proposals and the presentations made at the public meetings can be viewed at the MassDOT Real Estate Website:
For more information contact MassDOT Municipal Liaison John Romano at (617) 973-7028.
Ed note: Click here to view videos of the four Parcel 9 proposal presentations.