Community Health & Environment People

Chocolate for a Cure

by Carl Ameno, Nazzaro Center Director

Francis Shea, son of proud parents Karen and Dan, with his raffle prize.

Francis Shea, a fifth grade 10 year old who attends St. John’s school, recently won a contest there for selling the most candy bars during the school’s annual candy drive.  His prize?  The 5 lb jumbo Hershey bar shown in the picture! Probably prohibited from bringing so much chocolate home, Francis had to decide what to do with all that candy.  His initial thought was to bring it to the Nazzaro Center, where Francis is a member of its youth program, and share it with as many people as 5 lbs. of chocolate could feed.  But then he had an idea that allowed him to share his bounty with thousands of other children.

Francis, entirely of his own volition, decided to run a raffle for the candy with all proceeds going to Cystic Fibrosis and he set a goal of $500! Why Cystic Fibrosis among so many other worthy causes! “To help Miss Josie’s granddaughter”, Francis explained.  Miss Josie is Josephine LePore, the Nazzaro Center’s art and drawing teacher (of whom Francis is a pupil) and Miss Josie’s granddaughter is Ashley Orr, who was diagnosed with CF at birth and has been fighting it for the past 9 years. Miss Josie has illustrated 4 children’s books written by her daughter Leah Orr to raise money for the battle against CF and no doubt this is what gave Francis his idea for the raffle.

So far, Francis has raised a little over $200.  The drawing will be held on June 7 at the Nazzaro Center’s annual end-of-the-school-year BBQ so there is still plenty of time for Francis to get to $500 with your help.  In fact, why not drop by the Nazzaro Center to purchase a few tickets or mail in a donation  (30 N. Bennet St.  Boston, MA  02113) and then come by on the 7th  for hot dogs, hamburgers, watermelon, the drawing and, maybe, a one-of-a-kind chocolate dessert!

2 Replies to “Chocolate for a Cure

  1. Leah you would be so proud of him.. He is out there every day selling his tickets… He is so motivated.. His parents should be very proud.. He is an amazing kid…

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