Food & Drink

Freeway Loves La Summa Restaurant

3829669-8315580-thumbnailFreeway says it has been one heck of a summer.  You couldn’t ask for more. The weather has been beautiful, warm and sunny.  I can’t believe after this weekend the feasts are over. Talking about the feasts, my human companion took me for a short walk and she stopped at La Summa Restaurant on Fleet Street. She noticed the tables and chairs, umbrellas, green grass and the white fence. For that moment, it was like being in the country.  Wow! Is this possible that a restaurant in the North End could look this good.  Well it did, and the owner did one hell of a job.  Wouldn’t it be nice if it was enclosed and you could eat outside all year around?  La Summa Restaurant is defined with elegance.  The dishes are well prepared and cooked to order, the service is great and you always feel welcome.  There are many restaurants in the North End and they are all good. La Summa has atmosphere that makes it the best family restaurant in the North End.  As my human companion would say that with smell of garlic and the Italian sauce you can’t beat it. The North End is just a wonderful place to eat and live. Wouldn’t it be great if all my pooch friends could eat in these wonderful restaurants?  I’ll have one meatball please! And a side of pasta, no parsley (you know that green stuff you put all over the plate for decoration).    We only have two more feasts left, St. Anthony and of course, St. Lucy. That’s my favorite because I am the only pooch that does chapel duty.  I have my own St. Lucy polo shirt and I sit with the girls and keep them company because that is my job to protect them. Come by if you are around in the area and buy some raffle tickets and pin a few dollars on St. Lucy. All the donations go to a good cause.  Saint Lucy is the saint for the eyes.

That’s all for now…keep cool and remember “PICK UP AFTER YOUR PET!”

Freeway is a very busy columnist for the Post-Gazette and his contributions are courtesy of Marie Simboli.