News From Ward 3 Chair, Jason Aluia:
Citing his strong record of accomplishment over the past 16 years, the Ward Three Democratic Committee unanimously endorsed Mayor Thomas M. Menino for re-election.
Representing one of the most culturally diverse sections of Boston, Ward Three includes the North End, West End and Waterfront, Beacon Hill and Downtown, Chinatown and the Leather District and parts of the South End.
“The members of the Committee recognize Mayor Menino’s continued commitment to our neighborhoods,” said Ward Three Chairman Jason A. Aluia, “this endorsement acknowledges the progressive vision and positive agenda for the future of our city under his leadership.”
Committee Members pointed to Menino’s many achievements throughout the Ward including his commitment to an inclusive and culturally diverse Boston; his advocacy for responsible economic development and revitalization of neighborhood main streets; and his commitment to quality of life issues including refurbished parks and playgrounds, renovated community centers and branch libraries, all of which continues to make Boston a city that is both wonderful to live and work in.
The Ward Three Democratic Committee urges all residents of Boston to vote for Mayor Thomas M. Menino on Tuesday, November 3, 2009.