Real Estate

Bulfinch Crossing Development Breaks Ground at Government Center Garage Site

Mayor Martin Walsh participates in a ceremonial “sledgehammering” to begin Phase 1 of the Bulfinch Crossing Construction Project in Boston. (Mayor’s Office Photo by Isabel Leon)
Ceremonial “sledgehammering” to begin Phase 1 of the Bulfinch Crossing Construction Project in Boston. (Mayor’s Office Photo by Isabel Leon)

After 50 years of existence, the Government Center Garage has started to come down to be replaced by a six building, $1.5 billion, 2.9 million square-foot, high rise mixed use development coined Bulfinch Crossing.

Sledgehammers replaced the traditional shovels at this week’s groundbreaking. Boston Mayor Marty Walsh was on hand to launch the 10-year construction project along with Thomas O’Brien of HYM Investment Group and National Real Estate Advisors who are leading the project.

Residential and office building renderings as the first two phases of the Government Center Garage development named Bulfinch Crossing. (Pelli Clark Pelli and CBT Architects)

The massive redevelopment spans two city blocks as the Government Center Garage is demolished in sections. Some of the center garage will remain as part of the development with approximately 1,100 of the existing 2,300 parking spaces being retained.

The first two buildings set to move forward include a 486-unit, 480-foot tall residential building designed by CBT Architects and “One Congress,” a one million square foot, 528-foot tall office building designed by Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects. The residential building will include 64 units of affordable housing.

“We envision Bulfinch Crossing as part of the ongoing evolution of Boston. It is symbolic of the new urban experience—one that is highly connected to the community and by transit; one that embraces a variety of uses; and one that emphasizes thoughtful and purposeful design to make it an exciting destination,” Thomas O’Brien, founding partner & managing director of The HYM Investment Group.

The portion of the garage that extends over Congress Street will be demolished to introduce daylight to an area that is currently shaded year-round. All told, the eventual six-building development will include 812 housing units, nearly 200 hotel rooms, over a million square feet of office space, and 82,500 square feet of retail.

See more posts about the Bulfinch Crossing / Government Center Garage redevelopment project.

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