January 2013 will be a busy month in the North End for the two citizen groups, NEWNC (Neighborhood Council) and NEWRA (Residents’ Association). Both organizations advise city officials on new business applications including alcohol licenses and zoning issues. A host of restaurants, cafes and businesses are lined up for new openings, re-openings, alcohol license transfers and zoning relief.
Sapori di Napoli (Rigoletto), 115A Salem St., Salem Group LLC (Nestor Patino) – The new operator is requesting a transfer of the Malt, Wine and Liqueurs License to operate a cafe/coffee shop in the same location under a new name, Rigoletto. The menu will be expanded to include restaurant items. After conditionally supporting this request, NEWNC rescinded its support when the position of the condo association appeared to have been misrepresented. The applicant also appeared at NEWRA’s ZLC Committee meeting in December 2012 where it was requested the application be amended to include the restriction of serving alcohol only with food, especially given the 2 long bars noted in the floor plan. A second round of neighbor notification was requested before the applicant returns to NEWNC and NEWRA at their January 2013 voting meetings.

Il Panino Express, 264 Hanover St., Frank DePasquale – In December 2012, Mr. DePasquale and Attorney William Ferrullo presented to NEWNC and NEWRA’s ZLC Committee an application to transfer the Wine, Malt & Liqueurs License from the Gelateria, 272 Hanover St. back to Il Panino Express and convert the operation to table service with an expanded menu. Closing hours would be 11 pm on weekdays and midnight on weekends. Under its relatively new streamlined policy of not bringing low impact items to a members’ vote at regular monthly meetings, NEWRA’s Executive Committee decided to simply issue a letter of “no objection.” Separately, this request was unanimously supported by the Neighborhood Council in December 2012 (see video).
Carmen Restaurant, 33 North Square, Jeff Malloy – The applicant missed the payment to renew his alcohol license ($1900 to the Licensing Board). Mr. Malloy appeared at the December NEWRA ZLC meeting to explain the situation. There will be no change to the current operation that is open Tuesday-Sunday, 5:30 pm to 11:00 pm. One resident asked that the trash receptacles be retrieved in a more timely manner on Mondays. The owner said that he recently moved into the building so this will not be a problem. Given the special circumstances, both groups are expected to take a “no objection” stance and this matter is not expected to appear on the January 2013 agendas.
1-3 Lewis Street, formerly Ball & Buck, Flamepoeira and Nick’s Tavern – There are plans for a small restaurant/cafe in this location on Lewis Street. The applicant is expected to appear at the January NEWRA ZLC Committee meeting.
420 Hanover St., current location of Boston by Segway / Boston Gliders, has notified NEWRA’s ZLC Committee that a request will be forthcoming for zoning relief at the location to allow the operation of a Segway business in the same location where one has been operating.
237 Hanover St., formerly Hot Tomatoes – New operator, Carla Gomes of Terramia and Antico Forno, is expected on the January 2013 NEWNC agenda for a change in the 36A take-out license at the former Hot Tomatoes location that recently closed.
Gennaro’s 5 North Square, Gerald Riccio, is expected to be on the January 2013 NEWNC agenda regarding its application to upgrade its existing Malt & Wine license to an All-Alcohol Beverage license.
The scheduling of the aforementioned items are tentative as the meeting agendas have not been finalized. All meetings are open to the public on the following dates.
- NEWRA Monthly Meeting – Thursday, January 10, 2013, 7:00 pm, Nazzaro Center, 30 N. Bennet St.
- NEWNC Monthly Meeting – Monday, January 14, 2013, 7:00 pm, Nazzaro Center, 30 N. Bennet St.
- NEWRA ZLC Committee Meeting – Tuesday, January 29, 2013, 7:00 pm, Mariner’s House, 11 North Square.
At this point, if any alcohol license gets “upgraded”, then the neighborhood gets what it deserves on the weekends. More booze = more problems. People are blind if they refuse to see that.
John you are so right. Just imagine, less than a 1 mile
sq. radius with over 90 liquor licenses.
We all know the profit that is made in the selling of
Liquor and you can be guaranteed that the more
liquor licenses the more problems.
The Boston Police have said it time & time again the
more liquor licenses, the more problems.
Our City & State Officials better step up to the Plate
and make our lives, as well as the Boston Police easier
by not giving out anymore licenses.
The Greed in this neighborhood is Overwhelming, and it
is always the ones that have so much and want more &
more. Maybe everyone that owns property in the No.
End should start applying for Liquor Licenses and just
make the Neighborhood One Big Drinking Hole.
I smell whining imported democrats.