What’s Going On Friday, November 2, 2012:
It’s time to plant the daffodil bulbs on the Greenway!! Join the Friends of the North End Parks, in cooperation with the Greenway Conservancy, on either (or both) Friday or Saturday morning from 9am to 12 pm. Meet at the pergola at Hanover and Cross Streets. Read more.
Pssst … we hear that U.S. Senator Scott Brown will be appearing with Rudy Guiliani on Friday, 1:30 pm at Mother Anna’s on Hanover Street.
The Events Calendar has all the details.
What’s new on the blog:
Purse snatch and larceny on the weekly police blotter. Stay tuned for the Public Safety meeting video and write-up, coming soon.
What people are talking about:
The election … campaigning has stepped up in the North End with only a few days to go. See photos from Thursday’s Warren standout.
Neighborhood Photo of the Day:
We give the Best Sense of Humor Award to Rita DiPietrantonio, co-owner of La Galleria 33 on Salem Street. The restaurant is currently being featured on Gordon Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares. In Part 1, the chef at La Galleria 33 drops a piece of chicken on the floor and then serves it. Chef Ramsay comes down pretty hard on sisters Rita and Lisa who own the restaurant and are presented in a less than flattering light. So, when I walked around for Halloween photos on Wednesday, I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw Rita outside the restaurant dressed as the “dropped chicken”!!! Read the show recap.

Tonight!! Catch Part 2 of Kitchen Nightmares with the North End’s La Galleria 33 and see how Chef Ramsay fixes the troubled restaurant. Friday, November 2nd, 8:00 pm on Fox-TV.
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Your comments are welcome below. Then, go and enjoy the day!
Rita~~Also wins the Award for being “The Best Sport” ~~~
We are Nothing if we can’t laugh at ourselves !!!!
The kitchen Nightmare Show, was one of the Most interesting things I’ve watched on T.V. in a long time !! These two girls, depict what it means to be Italian !!! They have such warm hearts~~thus they let people take advantage of them~~we are sometimes TOO KIND !! But don’t let them fool you~~they are as smart as FOXES !!
I was raised in the North End, and My Family was in the Restaurant Business~~~Pal’s Lunch~~ So, I related !!
The Show was very entertaining, and Chef Ramsay was a great host !! I can’t wait to go to The La Galleria 33 Restaurant~~~I BET the Food is the Best !! To Rita and Lisa~~~I’ll be in to say Hello and EAT some of your delicious FOOD !!!!