Community Health & Environment

Dogi-Pots Coming to a Park Near You

The NEWRA Clean Streets Committee has been looking for a way to help dog owners clean up after their dogs. Chris Young, the committee’s liaison to the North End Chamber of Commerce and business community, took charge of the effort and recently purchased five “Dogi-Pot” facilities that will be mounted on poles at neighborhood parks. Read More…

Arts & Culture

Pumpkin Painting on the Prado

From NEMPAC (North End Music and Performing Arts Center): PAINTING PUMPKINS ON THE PRADO Thursday, 10/22 3-5pm Here’s the details: Who:  You and your kid(s) What:  Painting Pumpkins on the Prado When:  Thursday, 10/22, 3 ish – 5 ish Where:  The Prado, right outside the NEMPAC bldg Why:  Just for fun. Suggested donation $5/kid. Let Read More…