In the midst of this scary, stressful time in the world, some of us may have even forgotten today is St. Patrick’s Day. This story by local resident Tom Schiavoni, originally published in 2014, provides a little light-hearted content for the holiday. THE MAKING OF THE GREEN: (of Shamrocks and Stereotypes) It’s that time of Read More…
Tag: North End Moment
North End Moment: Hello, Neighbor!
It was the first neighborhood meeting of the new year, and those in attendance were still basking in holiday glow with good will to all. Nothing too controversial clouded the horizon as the agenda unfolded seamlessly and remarkably on schedule. The final item about local undergraduate-renters was thoughtful and provocative. What does “being a good Read More…
North End Moment: Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
They say that St. Patrick paused in Boston’s North End as he drove the snakes from Ireland. First, he had to find a space. Submitted by: Thomas F. Schiavoni